Sunday, December 22, 2019

It Is a Constant Image of Your Face - 924 Words

Dennis Vincent Brutus was a South African activist, educator, journalist and poet best known for his campaign to have apartheid South Africa banned from the Olympic Games. He lived between 28th November 1924 and 26th December 2009. He was born in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and had ancestry of mixed French, Italian and South African. His activist life likens him to a crusader for his country. A knight on duty for a mistress; and this has so often appeared in his poetry. He loved South Africa deeply and did everything to win its freedom. In this poem, â€Å"It Is the Constant Image of Your Face†, he closes the first stanza by saying â€Å"my land takes precedence of all my loves†. This was his passion. While he was in prison, news broke that South†¦show more content†¦He calls it a ‘still-fresh treason’ (line 15). But in this confused place, a world of knives, he pleads, hopes (line 16) that his dearest love (line 16), South Africa, will pardon him freely (line 17) and not blame his woman. He ends by revealing more of his confusion, saying that South Africa, his first love, is his woman’s ‘mistress (or your match)’ (line 18), not knowing which to say is more tender. He loves one, he loves the other. One was able to conspire with his heart and steal his affect ion from the other, and now he does not even know whether the two are matched or one is dearer to his heart. The greater emotion here is Brutus’ guilt of diluting the apartheid struggle with other cares. His love of his land is shown here overwhelmingly. This poem is another beauty that has added a little more tonnage to my love for this most romantic of poets coming fromShow MoreRelated The God of Love: Eros Essay1010 Words   |  5 Pagesdiction, and dialogue. The visual images of Eros described in each poem convey a drastically different type of god. Robert Bridges depicts Eros as a perfect, unearthly being using metaphor, elated language, and formation of the poem. 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