Sunday, October 6, 2019

Are minority perspectives in psychology a option for the reduction of Essay

Are minority perspectives in psychology a option for the reduction of prejudice - Essay Example To be sure, prejudice against ethnic and gender minorities impedes upon the progression of the social sciences. Solutions to this substantial problem have been proffered. One such recommendation has been that an increase in minority perspectives in psychology may reduce the amount and level of ethnic-based prejudice in the field. On many levels, this seems like a viable option; minority doctors are more socially equipped to handle the cases of minority patients. There is, however dissent from this theory. Here we will discuss both the problem and this possible solution to minority and gender prejudice in the field of psychology. The traditional framework for psychological assessment uses Eurocentric masculine behavior as the standard of normality. The western male model is not only seen as universal, but as ‘good’. Eurocentric standards of mental health are often inappropriate for ethnic minorities, because they are based on the philosophies, values and other aspects of the European culture, and these combinations are used as a basis for normative standards of mental health. These standards are routinely used for assessment and diagnosis. Likewise, masculine standards have proven to be somewhat ineffective in the diagnosis and treatment of women What is considered as sane or insane behavior, mental health or mental illness, normal or abnormal behavior is therefore always in relation to a white male normative standard. These standards are applied to minorities, and result in increased rates of misdiagnosis. The Eurocentric approach does not take into account cultural and language differences and how minorities express their inner feelings. The masculine approach does not take into account feminine sensitivities and varied modes of thinking and feeling. In the earlier days of Eurocentric practice, diagnosis like drapetomania (the escape behavior exhibited by enslaved Africans) was

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