Friday, October 18, 2019

Condition of women in the period between the American Revolution and Essay

Condition of women in the period between the American Revolution and the Civil War - Essay Example The first quote I chose is one that was given to Lucy by her soon to be husband, Henry Blackwell. She had voiced concerns over the marriage to which he responded, "I wish, as a husband, to renounce all the privileges which the law confers upon me, which are not strictly mutual. Surely such a marriage will not degrade you, dearest" (Lewis, 1999). This quote deals with the marriage laws that were in place during the mid 1800's when Lucy and Henry were married. The laws took all the rights, property and identity away from the woman and gave them to the man. They released a statement mutually protesting the laws that essentially robbed woman of their selfhood by stating, "The legal existence of the wife is suspended during marriage" (Lewis, 1999). They would not agree to any law that did not afford mutual benefits and power. Looking at the marriage laws of their time it is easy to see how things have changed. In virtually every civil and religious marriage ceremony performed today, unless the couple have written their own vows, the vows exchanged are identical. That was not the case at the time that Lucy Stone was married. Had she agreed to said laws, she would have lost any rights she had as an individual, and would essentially be the property of her husband.

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